
Liz Earle Foot Spritzer (Review)

Hello Beauty Lovers :)
How are you today?

Today was a calm and hot day, so I decided to stay home, and watch some Gossip Girl episodes, and one word for the TV show, LOVE. I adore the story. *

For the product review,
This product is perfect for summer, it fights bad feet odor and at the same time refreshes and hydrates the skin. You just need to spray a little bit in your legs, ankles and feet to refresh them.

During the summer your feet gets a little bit "smelly" do to the hot weather and the sweat, but with this product all those problems will vanish, so I adore this spritzer! *

The menthol sense isn't very strong, so you can use it whenever you want, ;)
The skin absorbs it very quickly, you don't need to massage it, you just need to wait some seconds

My Ratings,

Smell ★★★★☆
It isn't very strong sense, it's a nice sense (if you like menthol) and refreshing

Efficiency ★★★★☆
Refreshes, hydrates, eliminates the bad odor.

It is a must-have product for every summer, you should go check it in the Liz Earle website.

I hope you go check this product, it's worth it ;)

Have a fashionable day
IT *


A Million Ways to Wear a Scarf (OOTD)

Hello Fashion Lovers :D
How are you?

Today it was me, alone, who took the photos, with a little help of a tripod ;p.
Without a tripod is very difficult to take photos or film alone. :)

So today I decided to do a look with various ways to wear a scarf,
You can wear a scarf has a headband, belt, and how you want to wear it, a scarf is a great piece of accessory, and you can do a lot of things with it ;).
I love to wear it has a headband, and you? How do you like to wear a scarf? Let me know in your comment ;)

 Shirt/Tunic, Jeans: ZARA; Sandals: FLY

I adore the ripped jeans, they're perfect for next season. It may look red in the photo, but in reality it has a dark-fuchsia color, and I adore it.
I got this shirt/tunic 2 years ago in a ZARA sale, I still adore, and in every summer I'm always wearing it *

The Comments of the Day:

Question, "For you, what is going to be a must-haves for next season?"

Marie Antoinette, said... " What I think that is going to be a must have next season is a high dose of self asteem! The colors coming fall and winter are deep, and they should be worn with pride and self asteem. Without this, the new trends will look weak. So adore yourself once, twice, three times!"

Now, for the Todays Question,
How do you like to wear a scarf? 

I'll love to read all your opinions and answers :)
Don't forget to FOLLOW me and COMMENT *
Have a fashionable day
IT *


I Love Lace (OOTD)

Hello Fashion Lovers :D
How are you?

Yesterday I arrived home. I went to visit my boyfriends home town, and I loved to stay there.
I already miss him, and his family, they're so sweet, they always treat me like family ;p *


Here is super hot, I really can't stand the weather : /, but I still love to wear see through shirts-blouses.
I really love this shirt-blouse, because of it's back, it's gorgeous. With a lace detail, it's a unique shirt-blouse, perfect for the next season. You can find unique clothing in PaperDoll

I decided to use a pale-pink jeans with a touch of red, to give a soft side to the outfit.

Shirt-Blouse: PaperDoll; Jeans, Sandals & Bag: ZARA; Necklace: IKandi

I love this necklace, very unique and Bohemian, IKandi has gorgeous jewelry for an affordable price. ;p

The lovely Comments of the Day,

Question: "For the todays question, What is your favorite piece of Jewelry, and why?"

Your Lovely Answer:
Martaaa, said... "I think my favourite piece of jewellery are earrings... if you choose the right ones for the outfit they can do miracles. simply pin your hair in a pony tail, pick long earrings and it's such an effortless statement!"

Ninja, said: "My favourite type of jewellery is also rings, because I have tiny FAT fingers and a well-proportioned ring always makes them look longer and slimmer. They're easy to work with, cost next to nothing at thrift stores or abroad and just add a bit of dazzle to a boring look."
Visit her lovely blog, http://1milliondresses.blogspot.com/

Emma, said... "I love to wear rings too.. I wore three rings at the same time a while ago, and a boy in my class said: "You're wearing so many rings! And they're HUGE!" Hahaha he was totally thunderstruck!"
Visit her lovely blog, http://fashionmousse.blogspot.com/

Sydney, said... "i dont have many jewellery actually, cant afford :( but i think if i could, i'd collect a whole loads of necklace! :)"
Visit her lovely blog, http://sydsense.blogspot.com/

Soblushed, said... "I love rings, yeah! But unfortunately my work doesn't allow me to use. So rings, just during the weekends!So I have to pick necklaces..Definitely, necklaces, specially pendents! ;)"
Visit her lovely blog, http://soblushed.wordpress.com/

The Question of the Day is:

For you, what is going to be a must-haves for next season?

For me a must-haves for next season, are going to be metallics and see through clothing, it's no secret that I love see through clothing. In my opinion, it's a way to show that you're not ashame of your body, and you love it. *
For more opinions about next seasons must-haves, you can check my old posts, HERE and HERE

I'll love to read all your lovely comments
Have a fashionable day 
IT *


Train Trip (OOTD)

Hello Fashion Lovers *
How are you?

Today I had a train trip, just to visit my boyfriend, at his home town. I gonna stay here for 4 days with him *
And guess what, I finally have a photo of him to show you all *

So today I needed to go the most confortable I could, cause it was almost 5hours in a train :/

Necklace: H&M; Top, Scarf & Flats: ZARA; Shorts: Mango

This scarf I bought today, on Zara. My boyfriend's home town is soo windy and cold, that I needed to get a scarf, I wasn't planning the cold weather, I just brought summer clothing. x)

Nail Polish: Mimosa by Chanel

You gotta love the rings ;P
Well you probably can notice that I love, LOVE rings! Is one of my favorite jewelry, I never think I have enough, I always need more and more :P. 
So the cross ring is from Body Bling, I love their jewelry, so cute, sparkle and affordable.
You can check their lovely website,

And I've a special thing for you, a 10% discount you just need to use LADYFASH10
And good shopping <3

Now meet my Boyfriend, he's soo sweet, and helps me a lot :)
T-shirt: ZARA; Jeans: Carhartt ; Bag: Mango (That bag is mine, he was a dear to hold it for me xD)

He is so patient, and adorable. I love him so much *

Now the lovely Comments of the Day:

Question: "Tell what is your favorite candy, of all time?!"
ML, said... " Though, I love chocolate from Milka and Lindt."

Alicia, said... "I can't live without chocolate, here in Belgium we have really yummy chocolate & you can find it in almost every corner haha...dangerdanger ;)"
Visit her lovely blog, http://www.mundodealicia.com/

Sydney, said... "i dont really eat candy but i love snacks. any kind of unhealthy snacks! hahax"
Visit her lovely blog, http://sydsense.blogspot.com/

Emma, said... "my favorite candy is chocolate, I don't want my mother to buy it, because when she does, it's gone in 2 seconds! ;)"
Visit her lovely blog, http://fashionmousse.blogspot.com/

Thank you so much for the lovely answers, I loved to read them all ;)

For the todays question, What is your favorite piece of Jewelry, and why?

Mine are rings, I love rings. I never liked my hands, cause in the winter the get all red and purple, but with a gorgeous piece of jewelry in them, they look gorgeous, and I simply adore to see my hands full of big rings xP.

Have a fashionable day!
IT *


Online Shoe Store: Just Anna Shoes

Hello Fashion Lovers :D
How are you?

So today there is no OOTD, cause I'm a little bit sick :(
But don't worry, next week the OOTD's will come back ;)

Today I'm gonna talk a bout a little online shoe store ;)
When I'm bored and sick at home, I like to do a like search on google to find online stores that sells cute shoes and clothing, and I've found one with adorable shoes :P

In that store you can find gorgeous high heel shoes.
They're adorable! I just want to have them all!

And I love their designs! Gorgeous!

Now the Comment of the Day, from my Finally Free post :D.
I loved all your comments, and for loved them so much, I decide to choose three lovely comments:

L, said... "Congrats on finishing college! That's so great. For vacation, my boyfriend and I are going to a bed & breakfast for a few days and we're also going to an amusement park for my birthday! :)"
Check her lovely blog, http://www.blackandblondeone.com/ 

Castle Fashion, said... "Anddd...for vacation. Tough question. I think I will be spending a lot of time practicing things I don't have time for during the school year. So, for example, yoga, swimming, fashion illustration, french (-__- I'm doing awful with that) and recipes. Perhaps a trip to the beach here or there. But mostly just lots of self indulgence :P Hahah"
Check her lovely blog, http://castle-fashion.blogspot.com/

Maria Antoinette, said... "In my vacation I'm going to Poland. I'm going to visit 2 big cities there (Poznan & Wroclaw) I'm going there to enjoy a new vibe and to do some shopping ofcourse ;). I will also visit my mother in law in Poland. I'm looking forward to this! Tomorrow morning at 4 o'clock I am on the road, heading for Poland ;D"
Check her lovely blog, http://divinity-divinity.blogspot.com/ 

Now my question for you is... What you do when you're sick?
I'll adore to read all your comments

Have a fashionable day!
IT *


Finally Free (OOTD)

Hello Fashion Lovers :D
How are you?

I'm finally free from college! Today was my last exam :D!
Now I can go to the beach and get a lovely healthy bronze ;P

From today I'll start doing "The Comment of the Day", and what is this? Everyday, I make a question, for you to talk a little bit about yourself, from the theme I'm talking about. The comment user, is going to be featured in my blog :)
Good Luck :D

For the OOTD:

Top & Skirt: ZARA, Bag: Mango, Necklace: Forever 21

I feel so good to be free from college, the stress is over, now I can illustrate, go to the beach, and date my boyfriend ;)

The bracelet is a necklace from Kandi Treats, that can be used has necklace, bracelet and anklet. I adore the jewelry from Kandi Treats, you can give many uses to them :D.

Now tell me, what you're going to do in your vacation?
I'll love to read all your lovely comments *

Have a fashionable day!
IT *


Pink & Blue Flowers in the Woods (OOTD)

Hello Fashion Lovers :)
How are you?

So today my photographer, was again, my boyfriend ;)
Today I decided to use a outfit full of color!

Blazer, Top, Skirt & Flats: ZARA, Necklace: Kandi Treats, Bag: Kipling

Not only my outfit is full of color, it full of clothing from Zara, I really love this clothing brand!
Half of my clothing collection is from Zara ;)

I bought this skirt on Zara's first Sale, I really like it, it has orange, pink and blue, so it will look good with a lot of colors, and the pattern gives a "smile" to the skirt :D

Pink Power ;), pink is one of my favorite colors, so when I saw this skirt I thought in using it with my pink blazer and bag :p

So tell me, what is your favorite brand :D
I'll love to read all your lovely comments *

Have a fashionable day!
IT *


You're back for Me (OOTD)

Hello Fashion Lovers :D
How are you?

So guess who is back? My boyfriend :D
But it wasn't him who took the photos ;p
I decided to use a sexy-chic look just to welcome him back :D

Shirt, Skirt & Pumps: ZARA; Belt & Bag: Mango

I'm so happy that he's back, I missed him so much ;P
Now he's gonna take my photos, again :D!

So what you think? :P
Do you think I did a good job to look good for him? And you, did you used a new or special clothing for your special person, tell me ;)

I'll love to read all your lovely comments *
Have a beautiful fashionable day
IT *


I need a Time to Think (OOTD)

Hello Fashion Lovers!
How are you?

Today was a calm day, I just went for a walk, nothing special.
I was planning on going to the mall, give back a pare of jeans, that I bought from Zara, but I decided just to go for a walk :)

Sunglasses: Chili Beans, Necklace: Forever21, Dress: ZARA; Belt & Bag: Mango

I love this maxi dress, makes me feel chic, that only thing missing is a floppy hat ;P

I'll love to read all your lovely comments :D
Have a beautiful fashionable day!
IT *


Tea Time at Granny's + One Lovely Blog Award (OOTD)

Hello Fashion Lovers!
How are you?

Today I'm soo happy, I was nominated three times for the One Lovely Blog Award, I'm soo happy :D!!

It was an honor been nominated to this award, thank you soo much!! **

For the one Lovely Blog Award:
-t hank and link the blogger who has given you the award.
- copy and paste the logo in your blog.
- share 7 things about yourself.
- nominate 15 other great bloggers.
- comment and let them know of the award.

seven things about me :
- I've Red hair, because of Ariel from Little Mermaid. I always loved her hair, so know I decided to color it red ;P
- I'm a shopaholic, I adore to go to the mall and buy clothing, jewelry, and shoes, I love shoes! (that looks good on me)
- I love rings! I love to collect rings, vintage, modern, Bohemian, I love rings!!
- I love to collect fashion illustrations, croquis, everything connected to illustration. :)
- I love to walk, I'm always walking :P
- I'm allergic to my favorite fish, tuna :(
- I adore reading all your lovely photos *

Now the blogs I nominate for One Lovely Blog Award are *drums*:

Now for the OOTD ;)

Today me and my mom, went to visit my Grandmother for a Tea Time and a little chat ;)

I love to visit my Grandmother, she is so nice and I love to eat her cakes and drink the delicious tea she makes :D!

 Headband, Poncho, Pants, Flats: ZARA, Necklace: Bershka, Bracelet: Jelly Bean from Kandi Treats

I feel so honored for been nominated to the One Lovely Blog Award :D, and to be featured in Kandi Treats blog, please check it, and tell me what you think ;)

I'll love to read all your lovely comments :D
Have a beautiful fashionable day!
IT *


Peace & Love (OOTD + Review)

Hello Fashion Lovers :D
How are you?

Today I've a make-up review, OOTD and a YT video, just for you ;)

I'm gonna start with my OOTD, today my photographer was my mom, because my boyfriend went to his home town, visit his family :)
The photos are a little bit lighter. ;)

I adore this JB (Jelly Bean), from Kandi Treats. I'm gonna be honest with you, when I first saw them, I thought they were heavy, but in reality they aren't, they are so light and gorgeous. You can use them has a, headband, necklace, belt, hair tie, camera strap, bracelet, bag charm & much, much more :). It's a multi-use accessory, and I love it for that. :)

Headband: Kandi Treats, Blouse, Belt & Messenger bag: ZARA, Vest & Jeans: Stradivarius, Sandals: ALDO

 Nail Polish: Chanel - Coromandel, nº 473 

Today I wanted to dress in my favorite style, Bohemian, I tried to go Bohemian Chic, because i just adore it!

Now let's do the make-up review ;)
Today I'm reviewing You Rock! Palette by Essence.

 You Rock! it's a good palette for beginners in make-up. 
The eyeshadows don't have a lot of pigmentation, and they are a little bit powdery, so if you apply foundation before the eyeshadows, you need to have extra attention for the fall outs.
In this palette you get six fun eyeshadows, perfect for this season.
But overall for it's price, it's a good product, but again, for beginners that don't want to waste a lot of money in make-up :) 

So my Rating for this product is:  3/10

Now my YT video,

 So what you think? Tell me in your comments ;P

I'll love to read all your comments <3
Have a fashionable day!
IT *



Liz Earle Superskin Body Cream (Review)

Hello my Dears :D
How are you?

Today I've a Body Cream Review for you, from Liz Earle.
I absolutely love this brand, they have great products!

Liz Earle Superskin Body Cream, it's a great cream for dry skin and mature skin types.
It isn't a oily cream, when you put in your skin, you just need to massage a little bit, and quickly it will absorb.
This cream really hydrates your skin, for example, my legs are really dry, because of the weather and for the waxing, and since I've been using it my legs are softer and I adore it.
The only down about this cream, it's the scent, it has a strong scent, so I advice you to apply it just when you're going to bed.
But it's a perfect cream!
You should try it ;)

For more information about this cream, please check Liz Earle Website:

Sorry today I didn't do the Haul post that I said I was gonna do, but I'm planning in doing a video showing the goodies I got, and I'm still waiting for some other goodies that I got from MANGO and Forever21 :P

So tell me, in your comment, if you use this cream and if you're planning on getting it :P
I'll love to know :D

OH! And today I'm gonna upload my first Make-up tutorial in my YT channel. ;p

So see you tomorrow &lt;3
Have a fashionable day!
IT *